1994 RIAT Fairford Air Show
The Royal International Air Tattoo is a the largest annually held air show of the world. Every year special topics adorned the show. This year '40 years Hercules' was a main theme; C130's from all over the world participated, inclusive the very first production C130 ever of 1953: AC130A 53-31-29.
The highlight of 1994 was a Russian Bear-F, the first and only time this Russian bomber touched British soil. And (most likely) the only time I would ever see this type. Furthermore many other interesting types attended the show – far too much to sum up. I let my photographs speak for themselves!
Scramble Airshow Report: https://www.scramble.nl/database/show-reports/united-kingdom/fairford-1994

Tu142 Bear-F 93 black 1603062 Navy Trainings Regiment (1)

Tu142 Bear-F 93 black 1603062 Navy Trainings Regiment (2)

Tu142 Bear-F 93 black 1603062 Navy Trainings Regiment (3)

Wessex HC2 XT606/WL 2FTS

Harrier GR7 ZG475 SAOEU

Wessex HC2 XR523/M 60sq

Sea King AEW2A XV664/CU-180 849sq

Tornado GR1 ZA352/B-04 TTTE

Harvard IIB KF183/3 DGT&E

S61A U-278 Esk722

Do28D2 59+25 MFG5


Jaguar T2 XX830 ETPS

Hawk T1 ASTRA XX341/1 ETPS

Bo105CB 09204/04 AF2

Br1150 MM40116/30-01 30Stormo

Br1150 Atlantique 2 no 17 of 24F

MiG21MF 7711 11slp

Super Frelon 162/62 32D

F15D 81-0016/IS 57FIS

F15C 80-0035/IS 57FIS

RC135U 64-14847/OF 55RW (1)

RC135U 64-14847/OF 55RW (2)

HH60G 89-6206/IS 56RQS

B52H 60-0052/MT 5BW/23BS

B1B 86-0132/DY 7BW/337BS "Oh Hard Luck"

C9A 71-0880 86AW

HC130N 69-5832 301RQS

MC130E 64-0561 8SOS

MH53J 69-5795 21SOS

UH1H 74-22514 HQ USEUCOM

C130E 64-0539/FT 23W (1)

C130E 64-0539/FT 23W (2)

AC130A 53-3129 711SOS "First Lady" 1st production Hercules ever 1953!

C130H 996/6 Grupo10 Chilean AF

C130H 503 16sq Oman AF

HC130N 69-5827 67SOS

HC130N 69-5833/FL 301RQS

C130E A97-160/60 37sq RAAF

SC130E 2458 1/1GT Brasiian AF

C130H-30 M30-10/10 14sq Royal Malaysian AF

Tristar C2 ZE704 216sq leading 2x VC10 C1 XV101/101 and XV109/109 of 10sq